In recent decades, Internet gambling has grown significantly and become widespread due to its inherent characteristics (accessibility, anonymity, variety of games) that make it particularly attractive for players.
The aim of this article is to present the current knowledge on risks and protective factors of online gambling. A literature search in the PubMed, PsychInfo and Scopus databases resulted in 42 papers that were included in the review.
Methodological aspects, risk and protective factors were analyzed cross-sectionally. Results regarding risk and protective factors were differentiated according to the level of analysis: individual, relational and situational.
Two comparisons were considered: online gamers vs. offline gamers, and online non-problematic gamers vs. problematic gamers. The results of the two comparisons were compared to analyze their DEWAGG consistency and differential associations with factors. In general, the review showed that risk factors and variables at the individual level have been studied more extensively, while protective factors at the relationship and situational levels need to be explored in more detail in future studies.
More specifically, this review found that although online and offline gamblers share most risk and protective factors, there are variables that they do not have in common, and these factors may be important in preventive interventions targeting online gamblers and problem online gamblers.